If you want to pass your love of mountain biking on to your children, do your best to start them off at an early age. The LittleBig Bike is an excellent option for learning the initial skill-set that a child will build on for years to come. You won’t have to worry about buying a […]
Wirecutter – The Best Balance Bike Reviews
The gorgeous, aluminum LittleBig 3-in-1 is a hybrid balance pedal bike like the Strider 14x. It is a step up in quality, weighs less (11.2 pound without pedals, 14.5 with), and has excellent front and rear hand brakes and an ingenious system that allows you to flip the midpoint of the frame. READ FULL WIRECUTTER […]
Two Wheeling Tots – Review of the LittleBig bike
Built with top-of-the-line components, the littlebig is a game changer as it is lightweight, well-made and performs great as a balance bike and as a beginning pedal bike. Two Wheeling Tots “Top Pick” Award READ FULL TWOWHEELINGTOTS REVIEW