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LittleBig Convertible Balance Bike

(235 customer reviews)

The award-winning LittleBig balance bike easily converts into a big pedal bike. No need to switch bikes as your child grows, LittleBig ensures the perfect fit for kids age 2-6.

Watch your child gain confidence and skill while learning to balance then pedal, all on the same trusted bike.

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7 Benefits Of The LittleBig Convertible Balance Bike

It’s real solid yet light weight, has truly functional hand brakes, and a real headset for the handlebars

Balance bikes allow children to master the core biking skills—balancing, steering, and stopping—without the added challenge of pedalling. A balance bike is the essence of a bike, all you need and nothing more. This makes it intuitive and simple for kids to start off on their cycling journey.

On the other hand, when children learn to ride with stabilisers/training wheels, they tend to rely on the extra support. As a result, they don’t develop the essential skills and confidence needed to ride a pedal bike independently.

As kids will have learned to balance, brake and steer on the balance bike mode, it makes the transition to pedalling a breeze.

Your child will have learned the core skills first so they can easily glide along while figuring out how to work the pedals.

This takes away the sudden transition of being supported to unsupported, which is the case with stabilisers (training wheels).

LittleBig Sizing And Age RangeThe LittleBig’s unique convertible design means your child learns to balance and pedal on the same trusted bike. Rather than having to swap to a different bike for pedalling, the LittleBig stays with your child for their whole learn to ride journey. 

This also gives parents better value for money as it saves having to buy different bikes as your child grows, making it more sustainable too.

LittleBig in balance bike and pedal bike mode at a mountain bike race in Wicklow, IrelandThe LittleBig has a unique growing frame which means it will work for a toddler age 2 right up to age 6. This is far longer than any standard balance bike or smaller kids pedal bike.

LittleBig can be used as either a (1) little balance bike, (2) big balance bike (10cm taller saddle and 5cm longer handlebar reach), then converts into a (3) pedal bike.

As kids need to push, steer and stop the bike, the lighter it weighs the better.

The LittleBig comes with an alloy frame, bars, stem, saddle, rims, brakes etc, so it only weighs 4.9kg, or 4,3kg for the Brushed Edition.

Being lightweight makes the LittleBig easy for your child to ride while still being durable enough to handle years of their mini adventures.

Little balance bike with brakesBy fitting front and rear hand brakes, we ensure LittleBig riders will learn how to use the brakes before progressing to pedals.

Kids will initially learn to slow the bike with their feet (sorry shoes!), but as they get faster and move onto rolling terrain the brakes become a necessity.

By learning to brake first, children will only need to focus on pedalling when they transition to the pedal mode.

Simon Evans, founder of LittleBig balance bikes in IrelandThe LittleBig bikes are designed and assembled by our team of bike enthusiasts in Wicklow, Ireland. We love bikes and want your child to get the best start on their biking adventure.

Each LittleBig bike is meticulously checked hand assembled before being sent directly to you. We take pride in our customer support and will ensure you’re 100% happy with your bike!

girl on pink littlebig bike